Victoria - Colonial: 1854-1900.
Basic data on telegrams sent.

The following data have been extracted from the 1891 Annual Report of the Postmaster-General.

Number of Telegrams sent in Victoria: 1854 to 1890.

Year Private Official (OHMS) Total
1854 2,299 1,570 3,869
1855 9,682 2,559 12,241
1856 10,489 2,685 13,174
1857 53,430 6,628 60,058
1858 113,652 17,834 131,486
1859 165,621 31,699 197,320
1860 117,954 49,918 167,872
1861 143,870 40,818 184,688
1862 162,647 49,038 211,685
1863 156,482 78,038 234,520
1864 184,441 71,939 256,380
1865 210,795 68,946 279,741
1866 214,281 63,506 277,787
1867 175,761 59,887 235,648
1868 219,630 57,047 276,677
1869 219,166 57,966 277,132
1870 393,967 60,634 454,601
1871 473,521 63,877 537,398
1872 554,315 85,645 639,960
1873 593,848 124,319 718,167
1874 579,795 121,285 701,080
1875 623,514 109,355 732,869
1876 686,863 119,262 806,125
1877 735,228 190,549 925,777
1878 774,625 236,259 1,010,884
1879 734,291 284,317 1,018,608
1880 821,791 348,446 1,170,237
1881 932,671 360,107 1,292,778
1882 1,021,887 410,127 1,432,014
1883 1,050,004 437,543 1,487,547
1884 1,120,626 60,807 1,181,433
1885 1,544,422 90,244 1,634,666
1886 1,938,046 85,809 2,023,855
1887 2,176,915 83,565 2,260,480
1888 2,653,000 90,938 2,743,938
1889 2,782,751 103,168 2,885,919
1890 3,032,892 81,891 3,114,783